Wednesday 18 February 2015

2015 NEW year NEW start with Gratitude

This year I am adopting a new plan, the idea is that if I work it and track the results then I can be 100% confident in training you to do the same! I won’t be reading anyone else’s work, I won’t be blindly replicating, I will be TRUE and AUTHENTIC.


So this is it! Since the turn of the year I have begun recording my daily gratefulness in a document.

I found that as the End of Year ‘Guides’ recommend that you reflect on the year and feel grateful I couldn’t even remember the year’s happenings…lol! Something like moving country!

That ‘annoyed’ me so to speak and it drove me to the decision to make a point of each and every day to write down my gratitude’s. Dr J F Demartini has been telling me that very thing since 2010 and I’ve half-heartedly done it.

Well this year 2015!

I LYNN HOPE THOMAS am doing it every day!!! And this is the end of the first month. I have approx. 100 things I am grateful for in January…imagine by December 2015 it will be approx. 1200. That in itself is awesome! Brings a tear thinking about it and even then I am humbled because I know the gratitude’s are infinite.

This month alone I have had some fabulous results. I see it as a consequence of dwelling on all that I am grateful for.


Examples are : -

1.       Improved close family relationships with my Mum & Dad and daughter

2.       Improved opportunities at work

3.       Increased social media exposure

4.       Increased social friendships

5.       Increased physical health

6.       Achievement of physical fitness in the form of 15K runs

7.       Request to feature in a book

8.       A new Client

9.       Respect for my opinions in vocational work

10.   More awareness of synchronicity

These are REAL results.

Somehow I can’t believe it yet it IS true!

I am testing the road out for you….if you follow me…you can do the same things too! If you have questions then please ask and I can help you. I AM your BUDDY

Over to you with love and thoughts of success for each and every one of us

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