Friday, 3 April 2015

My Good Good Friday Miracle

I can imagine knowing and loving someone so much that if they died you would be so relieved and happy to see them again 3 days later, it would be the most amazing miracle.
Christians celebrate Easter. It is one of the most important messages offered to humanity. Whether you believe it or not the Easter ‘story’ is that Jesus was crucified to death and three days later he appeared again to his believers and to his Mother, showing them that there is no true death.
I have written a book which speaks of my own journey believing that I had lost my beloved twin sisters.
Despite being a Christian and knowing that one day I would be reunited with them (in my own death) , I never imagined that I would be guided through a very different path of believing. Nor did I understand how my grief was so deeply buried.
Breaking through loss is a book that takes you through a journey of how loss in your life, can, take you through a very messy ripple, and a chaotic repetition of painful events.
When I hit rock bottom I was fortunate that a friend led me to the most amazing weekend experience of my life, one that woke me up to a scientific magic and which later led me to experience my own miracle and to want to guide others in a similar position to the same experience that moved me.
The TRUTH is that your loved ones never die! They are always around us, and at times will represent themselves in others. Jesus showed us that light and you do not have to be Christian to experience it.
IT IS how the universe works and IT IS scientific.
Show your smile this Easter - if you are grieving the loss of a loved one, Easter is here to remind you that they are not missing, and they are certainly not ‘dead’.
If you recognise that you are repeating losses, then read my book as I give you the benefit from four decades of experience.
You can flick through my book on Amazon
I invite you can send me a message if you would like to know more.
Wishing you a peaceful, reflective and Happy Easter with love 
#grief #loss #lossandgrief #expectamiracle 

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