Saturday 2 May 2015

Grief – Is but a wakeup call to live life to the max!

You DO have a CHOICE on your emotions
The easiest thing to do is to wallow in grief. 
Yes it hurts, yes it can be very painful, yes you feel like dying too…I KNOW how it feels…I know how it catapults you to another plane, and forty years on I am now beginning to pick up the pieces having learnt that I never had to walk the path I did!

Don’t get me wrong, I have no regrets on my life, I do believe that it was destined to be my path, I DO believe that I can provide evidence of how; if grief is left hidden within your heart and mind, and left unexpressed then it can cause repeats, and it can keep coming back until it overwhelms you.

If you are suffering from grief and are hiding away, putting on a brave face then please don’t !
·         Read my book about it as a starter :
·         Start living your life again – get out and do things!

·         Begin talking about your blessings to others

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