Sunday 31 May 2015

Bring back joy to your life - Death and Universal Laws

A tree will shed it’s fruit, lose a branch, undergo pruning and so it is the same in human life. We lose our children, we lose part of ourselves, family members leave us, and we can experience climate change, lack of water, extreme drought, change of environment.
It’s not what happens that matters, it is how we react and conduct ourselves.
For some cultures a period of mourning is long in duration, for others it is short and for some it is a celebration of life. Not one option suits all.
I now know, the choice I will make, is that of celebration.
Yes grief hurts and is painful, and will always be! Though now having learnt the fastest way to process it, I KNOW that I don’t have to feel the pain in the same way EVER again.
THAT feels great…as I know the other side and I don’t want you to feel it, suffer it unnecessarily.
The principle involved is the following ‘Nothing is ever missing’ only in the human perception.

You can read more in ‘Breaking Through Loss’ available on Amazon
#Grief #Loss #Love #Life #Breakingthroughloss

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