Sunday 15 March 2015

Mother’s Day – Family Sound of Music

Nothing can ever destroy the connection between the spiritual and the physical
Whether you are a Mother who has lost a child or a child who has lost a Mother, whether you are Father who has lost the mother of his children or a Grandfather who has lost his wife, whether you have lost a friend, a sister…a dear loved one, know that the loving nature of all beings continues.
Death cannot destroy that.
Whatever your circumstance… is a celebration of the most amazing relationship ever!
You have been fortunate to experience the greatest power of the whole Universe, that of creation!
You were given the joy and pleasure of knowing an amazing being and now they have parted, you can reflect on what you experienced and learnt
Celebrate the connection today by maybe spending time in meditation, or close to nature.
Listen and watch for the signs. When you are present enough you will see, hear, smell, taste or even feel a hint of your loved one.
Maybe listen to music? Today for me, the moment came when I discovered an app on my iPhone - enter the date of birth and then you can play the No1 song at the time of birth.

I listened and shared with my family the music of times gone by of several family members. It brought us close and we enjoyed it.

Let me know what worked for you ? Please share it

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