Monday 9 March 2015

Grief helps to define YOU

I love this quote from Oscar really does epitomise the beauty of grief.

Although you may not feel it right now...the loss of a loved one is the most beautiful individual experience. I know many will say and scream out ....'What'!!?

Surely making love is the most beautiful experience ?

Well life is about Ying and Yang

And some times you get to experience 'making love' and in other moments you experience loss

Each experience is beautiful

Both follow the laws of the universe

One is about creation and the Law of the 'one to many'

The other is about destruction and the opposing force of 'Many to one'

Grief brings the many back to one - and oh boy don't you feel it!

Grief is a kind of  addiction, an addiction to those traits in your loved one that are now gone!

Like an addict you suffer the withdrawal symptoms failing to see the beauty of how your loved one is giving you the opportunity to experience Yourself, without the addiction.

You have been given a great opportunity in life ! It may not feel like may need to take baby steps, you may need support.

Once you have experienced the depths of nature, you are on route to experience the heights

I think Oscar Wilde knew............

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