Saturday 21 February 2015

Gravity of Loss Life & Love


January was full of hope as a new year started and I was going great guns with my planning. Really high on my agenda was some Master Planning for the year ahead. Needing to balance my life and ensure that I devote ample time to each of the key seven areas of life.


I believe that you can do what you love and earn ample to enjoy the life you want if you can be disciplined enough to not only allow yourself to dream but to take action, take steps and move along that path.


I have succeeded in writing a book which seemed like a mountain to climb at the start, but eventually it came to fruition and it was all from following the simple steps of trusting myself, believing in the dream, and working on it.


Of course I had people assist me along the way. I trusted that the universe would send me what and who I needed.


I would love to write this blog and sound like a sophisticated guru who knows the 'answer', the truth is I don't, I don't know it any more than anyone else. What I do know is that I have experienced some profound things and I have searched for over four decades to find answers.


Due to the nature of my 'life' challenge I learnt from a young age to keep silent. For those who don't know I lost both of my sisters when I was nine years old, back in the days when there was not much understanding about loss and grief.


The silence taught me many things and it also was responsible for bringing about many repeats of loss and changes in my life that would see me encounter many difficult challenges.


I wonder…do you know how it feels to have so much emotional stuff trapped inside you, with no outlet ? You see for me, I have been quiet for so much of my life. I feel sure that my life's mission is to teach young children what I have learnt.


Have you seen the movie 'Gravity' with Sandra Bullock ?  Stranded in space, with many difficult problems to solve, she almost loses the will to live, having suffered the loss of her son, just as she is about to give up….George Clooney's ghost appears and says something like ' Yeah….it's pretty good out here….it's safe here in space……easier than the challenges of life on earth…' Well something struck me like a bolt! The scene mirrored where I was at ……you see the silence seems like a security blanket however in essence it is holding me back from being my full blown self.


Being silent is like being out alone in space….please excuse I can feel myself welling with emotion. I am so scared to do, say something and be rejected, laughed at or scorned. When you feel intense emotional pain, you kind of want to hide away from anyone adding more hurt to it…you hope that in time it will heal and feel less painful…the truth is that by hiding you keep it raw.


I am not going to do it anymore. I have decided not to be such a big sop. I don't want to be stranded in space anymore.


I want to live my life in a fantastic and fulfilling way. I want to enjoy sharing with other people and helping them to overcome their fears and help them appreciate who they are, as much as who I am. To teach my daughter how to love herself through my example would be so beautiful.


She asked me the other day 'Mummy ..what would you say is the most important thing in life ?' Woah what a deep question!


I said 'to live your most authentic self'


I asked her what she thought it was and then …she blew me away………………


'Love……….I think love is the most important thing'


Boom! That's my gravity!
I reach out to anyone who has suffered loss and hope that by me talking about my stuff you too can find your gravity. Please feel free to ask me questions and compare notes on our flights back to!
With love

#Grief #Loss #Love #Life

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Lesson of Love

As time passes so quickly I am reminded of the importance to keep a balance in my life. I don't know about you, I find that as Valentine's Day approaches the prospect of seeing adverts and reminders of 'love' simply astounds me.
It's all about the money they can generate from men and women spending on their 'loved' ones, giving out the message that if one hasn't bought twelve red roses and invited the partner to a romantic dinner then you may be they will be upset. When we see family and friends buying into the fantasy of it all, we can feel left behind and obliged to do what we don't want to.
My heart always goes out to the ones who are missing a dear loved on, it can be a painful time - IF YOU LET IT!
The key is to not allow your loss to overshadow your life.
Believe me I know it is NOT easy, and the reason for that is that grief is an addiction
When we spent so much time with our loved ones and allowing our minds to dwell on the highs, the lovely things they did, the feelings of euphoria, our bodies emit feel good factor chemicals that are equivalent to heroine or other drugs. We are addicted to the person, addicted to being around them and when they suddenly disappear, the pain of grief is like the withdrawal of a strong drug.
The truth of the matter is that when we allow ourselves to remain in grief, we are in fact not loving the person as we are in fact recalling HALF of their traits, the ones that made us happy. In truth they had traits that made us less happy and we also perceived faults that made us sad. It sounds too easy and a little unbelievable! Having experienced grief firsthand I have experienced the full impact of what an imbalanced perception can have. It is one of the hardest and difficult emotions to bear, shocking the system and when left unheard can seriously and adversely impact life in repeating cycles.
There is a way out of grief as described in my book called Breaking Through Loss ( Simply look up Amazon - Breaking Through Loss - Lynn Hope Thomas)
The real beauty in loss is the lesson it gives us in learning to love ourselves and not to dwell on what we miss in our deceased.
We can own the traits we loved and own the traits we disliked and in doing this we receive a beautiful gift of love from our deceased that they have passed over to us.
This Valentine day, I was happy to think about the balance I needed to bring into my life, the lessons of love and loss at the foremost of my mind. The gift is a priceless one.
As others rush around building fantasy and dreams that potentially set themselves up for grief , my focus is on loving myself. It may sound pompous to some, but often it is the hardest challenge the majority of us have. For me it is to be as balanced as I can, because in that state I am the best I am.
I am single, I am neither alone in that state nor am I any worse or better off. I am simply a single person this romantic month and I am wiser from the relationships I perceived I had lost because in reality each of them is as much within me each and every day. It cannot be any other way.
As I realise that for me grief is gone!
I want to help you to reach the same point too.
Lift up your heart for you ARE an amazing person who can bring so much joy to others. And if you don't believe that, then simply respond to me, I KNOW how much joy you can bring !

2015 NEW year NEW start with Gratitude

This year I am adopting a new plan, the idea is that if I work it and track the results then I can be 100% confident in training you to do the same! I won’t be reading anyone else’s work, I won’t be blindly replicating, I will be TRUE and AUTHENTIC.


So this is it! Since the turn of the year I have begun recording my daily gratefulness in a document.

I found that as the End of Year ‘Guides’ recommend that you reflect on the year and feel grateful I couldn’t even remember the year’s happenings…lol! Something like moving country!

That ‘annoyed’ me so to speak and it drove me to the decision to make a point of each and every day to write down my gratitude’s. Dr J F Demartini has been telling me that very thing since 2010 and I’ve half-heartedly done it.

Well this year 2015!

I LYNN HOPE THOMAS am doing it every day!!! And this is the end of the first month. I have approx. 100 things I am grateful for in January…imagine by December 2015 it will be approx. 1200. That in itself is awesome! Brings a tear thinking about it and even then I am humbled because I know the gratitude’s are infinite.

This month alone I have had some fabulous results. I see it as a consequence of dwelling on all that I am grateful for.


Examples are : -

1.       Improved close family relationships with my Mum & Dad and daughter

2.       Improved opportunities at work

3.       Increased social media exposure

4.       Increased social friendships

5.       Increased physical health

6.       Achievement of physical fitness in the form of 15K runs

7.       Request to feature in a book

8.       A new Client

9.       Respect for my opinions in vocational work

10.   More awareness of synchronicity

These are REAL results.

Somehow I can’t believe it yet it IS true!

I am testing the road out for you….if you follow me…you can do the same things too! If you have questions then please ask and I can help you. I AM your BUDDY

Over to you with love and thoughts of success for each and every one of us