Sunday, 24 March 2013

Latest update on 'Breaking Through Loss'

I have sent the book to ARSSE, the Army Rumour Service in United Kingdom for review, this should take a 2-3 weeks and then the book will be advertised on the site which is there to support service personnel. I used to be in the Territorial Army - yes! It's a while back now, but I loved it, and I have enormous respect for the men and women who are prepared to sacrifice their lives to protect others. I really hope that my book will help any who have sufferred loss in some form.
Families who have lost their children, husbands, wives or service men who have lost limbs and now face adjusting their expectations to live with their new form.
No question that these people are on high spiritual journeys, I would like to think that I can share some of that journey with them on a deep level of understanding of what it is like to experience trauma and find yourself lost in a world where no-one appears to understand you.
Feeling that the voice inside is going crazy and there simply are no words to explain the turmoil of emotion.
Yeeee ha! I look forward to that review and feedback and I will continue to explore other avenues for the book and speaking opportunities.
Personally I think some of my fellow comrades think that I should be out at every business meet-up selling my book and speaking.
Yet I think you know and I know too that 'loss' just ain't like that! You don't just step out and shout hey - look at me - I've written a book on loss! Ooops....
No..this is not just any book, it has a life of its own, its not about me, nor my story really , although it is a story that gets told. There are many players to the story, and many souls are entwined within the matrix to bring the whole together.
I cannot take praise for my part...only accept with humbleness that I am one of the lucky ones! Yes I got the opportunity to try again at a new life for myself. I feel blessed and honoured in that way, almost like a drew the lucky straw !
I certainly feel that is my misson to help others through their struggles and to allow them to see the beauty of their lives and what they mean.
I know there are some outstanding people out there, who have overcome far greater adversity and are worthy of everything they stand for  - great I say and I admire those who tell me 'Yes I lost my brother, I'm over the grief - life goes on and you have to make the most of it'
To them I say 'Good for you'! 'Whoopee Do!'
My service is for the ones who cannot see that, for the ones who suffer emotionally.
I know the strength it takes to pull through that, I know the courage it takes to pull through that,I know the tears , I know the prayers, I know the soul searching that I have done.  y job is to hold your hand and let you know that God through me is here to help you!
I in service doing what God wants.
This week I am meeting an Executive from a Charity for ex-service men here in Australia.
Hey fingers crossed it leads to something positive for me, I am counting on you people to help me through my transformation...more about that in my next posts....looking forward to chatting again with you, without you  - I am not me . Big Grin   Signing out Lynn

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