So what is unresolved grief? +Grief Encounter +Grief Healing +National Alliance for Grieving Children ,+Grieving Widows +grieving parent +Loss and grief. Happiness and relief.
Well its the old British 'stiff upper lip'! We are trained to out a brave face on our emotions and in fact many religions request that we do the same. The idea is that we do not burden anyone with our problems and we always honour those that show 'strength' of character in situations of adversity.
Yes ...look at the Army...we award 'Bravery', those acts of shere heroism in the face of the horror when presented with the potential of death and when soldiers can look beyond their fallen comrades to battle on and win the war! +Veterans United
I certainly do not advocate that bravery is not to be rewarded, indeed some of the finest examples come from situation such as these and only yesterday on facebook I read a beautiful story of a helicopter hero who kept going back in to save the men injured and on the ground, even when the medics had been told to get out and leave them.
The point I want to make is that the pressure from religion, culture, family and social values creates a situation where it can be hard to admit your feelings of grief, to share the burden of the loss you feel. Many beleive that it should be a personal thing , dealt with inside of the family unit, but hey, how often does that work well ?
Of course loss and grief is ugly...who wants be dpressed by another's woes ? Afterall we live in a society that wants to be happy ? We are being driven to affirmations and positive thinking, we NEED to change our mindsets, as if something is wrong with us for feeling blue!
Well my 40 years of keeping quiet about the loss of my twin sisters as done me no good whatsoever and has created a lot of situations in my life that led to failed marriages, a lack of appreciation for my family, excessive drinking and some delinquent behaviour, not to mention numerous career issues!
Unresolved grief shows up again anD AGAIN! If you have had the feeling that the emotions are REPEATING, then I have the solution for you!
I have finally found what can help - its a scientific method and it works pretty quickly. It will work on folk who have had longterm problems and it works really well on fresh loss too!
On the onehand I would say ...what do you have to lose ? And on the otherhand I would say...You WILL LOSE if you don;t stop to find out. I have 100% certainty of what will happen to you because it happened to me repeatedly.
You can read about it in my book called Breaking Through Loss - just visit and you will find links to purchase it pretty cheaply I might say
If YOU or anyone you love need support I can coach you to acheive amazing results, maybe puchase the book for them to read ?
Stay tuned to this blog becasue I am now 100 percent dedicated to helping people through loss. My mission is to dissolve the painful emotions and guide people to great success in their lives.
Miracles really do happen!!
Love to you
Enjoy your Day!
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