I have sent the book to ARSSE, the Army Rumour Service in United Kingdom for review, this should take a 2-3 weeks and then the book will be advertised on the site which is there to support service personnel. I used to be in the Territorial Army - yes! It's a while back now, but I loved it, and I have enormous respect for the men and women who are prepared to sacrifice their lives to protect others. I really hope that my book will help any who have sufferred loss in some form.
Families who have lost their children, husbands, wives or service men who have lost limbs and now face adjusting their expectations to live with their new form.
No question that these people are on high spiritual journeys, I would like to think that I can share some of that journey with them on a deep level of understanding of what it is like to experience trauma and find yourself lost in a world where no-one appears to understand you.
Feeling that the voice inside is going crazy and there simply are no words to explain the turmoil of emotion.
Yeeee ha! I look forward to that review and feedback and I will continue to explore other avenues for the book and speaking opportunities.
Personally I think some of my fellow comrades think that I should be out at every business meet-up selling my book and speaking.
Yet I think you know and I know too that 'loss' just ain't like that! You don't just step out and shout hey - look at me - I've written a book on loss! Ooops....
No..this is not just any book, it has a life of its own, its not about me, nor my story really , although it is a story that gets told. There are many players to the story, and many souls are entwined within the matrix to bring the whole together.
I cannot take praise for my part...only accept with humbleness that I am one of the lucky ones! Yes I got the opportunity to try again at a new life for myself. I feel blessed and honoured in that way, almost like a drew the lucky straw !
I certainly feel that is my misson to help others through their struggles and to allow them to see the beauty of their lives and what they mean.
I know there are some outstanding people out there, who have overcome far greater adversity and are worthy of everything they stand for - great I say and I admire those who tell me 'Yes I lost my brother, I'm over the grief - life goes on and you have to make the most of it'
To them I say 'Good for you'! 'Whoopee Do!'
My service is for the ones who cannot see that, for the ones who suffer emotionally.
I know the strength it takes to pull through that, I know the courage it takes to pull through that,I know the tears , I know the prayers, I know the soul searching that I have done. y job is to hold your hand and let you know that God through me is here to help you!
I in service doing what God wants.
This week I am meeting an Executive from a Charity for ex-service men here in Australia.
Hey fingers crossed it leads to something positive for me, I am counting on you people to help me through my transformation...more about that in my next posts....looking forward to chatting again with you, without you - I am not me . Big Grin Signing out Lynn
Supporting people to get through the emotions of grief arising from loss of any kind.Death of loved one,job loss,financial loss,relationship loss,pet loss.
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Monday, 18 March 2013
Whilst loss is never forgotten................
........It is possible to live life to the full when suffering from a loss ?
For those experiencing loss and grief as a fresh set of emotions it truly hard to imagine that you could live life fully without feeling the pain and despair that can surround grief.
My own experience was like a sledgehammer hitting my brain with a force, and the pain screamed through the whole of my being..never did I believe like I do now that it is possible to overcome it.
I would have called you cruel, inconsiderate,even 'evil' if you tried to tell me such a thing! How dare you invade my privacy , my sadness, my loss and give your opinion!!
Mmmmm.so what makes me believe that I can talk to you now and even claim that I can help you?
Well I have just come home from spending a weekend as a Facilitator at a Breakthrough Experience by Dr J F Demartini in Brisbane and 150 people witnessed him dissolve the grief of a Grandmother whose daughter had lost her baby.
It is so true that grief can dissappear once the perceptions of the human mind are brought into full awareness.... and the book Breaking Through Loss explains it.
I was fortunate to be asked to speak about the book from the stage - a heartfelt moment in my life as my dreams of helping others on a bigger scale comes nearer to the truth.
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Did you know that unresolved grief will repeat ?
So what is unresolved grief? +Grief Encounter +Grief Healing +National Alliance for Grieving Children ,+Grieving Widows +grieving parent +Loss and grief. Happiness and relief.
Well its the old British 'stiff upper lip'! We are trained to out a brave face on our emotions and in fact many religions request that we do the same. The idea is that we do not burden anyone with our problems and we always honour those that show 'strength' of character in situations of adversity.
Yes ...look at the Army...we award 'Bravery', those acts of shere heroism in the face of the horror when presented with the potential of death and when soldiers can look beyond their fallen comrades to battle on and win the war! +Veterans United
I certainly do not advocate that bravery is not to be rewarded, indeed some of the finest examples come from situation such as these and only yesterday on facebook I read a beautiful story of a helicopter hero who kept going back in to save the men injured and on the ground, even when the medics had been told to get out and leave them.
The point I want to make is that the pressure from religion, culture, family and social values creates a situation where it can be hard to admit your feelings of grief, to share the burden of the loss you feel. Many beleive that it should be a personal thing , dealt with inside of the family unit, but hey, how often does that work well ?
Of course loss and grief is ugly...who wants be dpressed by another's woes ? Afterall we live in a society that wants to be happy ? We are being driven to affirmations and positive thinking, we NEED to change our mindsets, as if something is wrong with us for feeling blue!
Well my 40 years of keeping quiet about the loss of my twin sisters as done me no good whatsoever and has created a lot of situations in my life that led to failed marriages, a lack of appreciation for my family, excessive drinking and some delinquent behaviour, not to mention numerous career issues!
Unresolved grief shows up again anD AGAIN! If you have had the feeling that the emotions are REPEATING, then I have the solution for you!
I have finally found what can help - its a scientific method and it works pretty quickly. It will work on folk who have had longterm problems and it works really well on fresh loss too!
On the onehand I would say ...what do you have to lose ? And on the otherhand I would say...You WILL LOSE if you don;t stop to find out. I have 100% certainty of what will happen to you because it happened to me repeatedly.
You can read about it in my book called Breaking Through Loss - just visit www.breakingthroughloss.com and you will find links to purchase it pretty cheaply I might say
If YOU or anyone you love need support I can coach you to acheive amazing results, maybe puchase the book for them to read ?
Stay tuned to this blog becasue I am now 100 percent dedicated to helping people through loss. My mission is to dissolve the painful emotions and guide people to great success in their lives.
Miracles really do happen!!
Love to you
Enjoy your Day!
Saturday, 2 March 2013
Is it true that grief is experienced by people who have a'victim' mentality ?
I couldn't believe my ears when I heard this from someone who works in HR, for a moment I was suspended sky high on a pendulum! Then I threw my head back and laughed! Yes the Universe loves to tease us and the Gods were having fun with me...............
I know better than this. I was not going to waste my time on such a judgmental view.Clearly they had never experienced grief and that's fine, I just wouldn't like to be someone sufferring grief and seeking out that person's sympathy.
I would love to hear your views on this. Personally I would not have welcomed this view when I experienced the loss not of one sister, but of two at the tender age of nine! I cannot for one minute imagine that there are people out there who would dismiss the trauma...but sad to say there are, and there are too many of them.
I never played victim, I quietly got on with my activities, I didn't even want to show my tears at the funeral. I buried my grief because I didn't know what else to do, I did not know of any other alternative. Back in the sixties most people didn't know any different, and 'putting on the brave face' was the normal thing, after all our Great Grandfathers had either died or survived the War and many had lost loved ones.....so it wasn't talked about.
After several decades of repeated misfortunes I would've held my hand up and said that I 'felt' like a victim of repeated losses, I would have been right and I would have been none the wiser as to why this kept repeating for me.
Fortunately for me I encountered a very ground breaking view to loss, one which I witnessed one weekend back in March 2010, one which totally changed my life...
I can't wait to tell you more about it...or you could read about it in my book called 'Breaking Through Loss' if you goto www.breakingthroughloss.com you can actually register and receive the first three chapters for free.
We can catch up soon, I'd love to hear what your views are about loss and grief, and what would you have to say to this person who thinks that you either master upto grief or you dive into a victimhood ?
Please keep comments polite and respectful.
Happy Birthday to my post!
I have to thank my friend Mark Carrington for the suggestion that I begin blogging.I reckon as a Management Consultant and CEO he has awesome knowledge and experience. He wrote book called : The Banking Revolution- Salvation or Slaughter 1997, so he must know what he is talking about. Here I give one of my cheeky winks.
My personal mission on Earth is to help people through their emotional suffering and bring them to the understanding that there are ways and methods to quickly get folk back on track and living an enjoyable and fulfilling life.
I have chosen somewhat subconsciously for most of my life, to repeat cycles of loss and grief, it is only recently well 3 years ago, that I actually awakened to my true mission in life.
This blog is my first on the topic of loss and grief, its not going to be a traditional blog, its not about giving buckets of sympathy to others through loss.
Its more about educating people on what grief is and what gives rise to the emotions so that they can move through it quicker.
Enjoy the journey with me ....I'm looking forward to our chats and hearing what you have to say, and learning all about you so please I love interaction...do post!
Happy Day to you
I have to thank my friend Mark Carrington for the suggestion that I begin blogging.I reckon as a Management Consultant and CEO he has awesome knowledge and experience. He wrote book called : The Banking Revolution- Salvation or Slaughter 1997, so he must know what he is talking about. Here I give one of my cheeky winks.
My personal mission on Earth is to help people through their emotional suffering and bring them to the understanding that there are ways and methods to quickly get folk back on track and living an enjoyable and fulfilling life.
I have chosen somewhat subconsciously for most of my life, to repeat cycles of loss and grief, it is only recently well 3 years ago, that I actually awakened to my true mission in life.
This blog is my first on the topic of loss and grief, its not going to be a traditional blog, its not about giving buckets of sympathy to others through loss.
Its more about educating people on what grief is and what gives rise to the emotions so that they can move through it quicker.
Enjoy the journey with me ....I'm looking forward to our chats and hearing what you have to say, and learning all about you so please I love interaction...do post!
Happy Day to you
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