Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Hugh Grant - We don't die Actually!

What are the benefits of loss?
I can hear you say there aren’t any.         Yes there are!
You think that you are missing your loved one and life is not worth living, you think it sucks!
You might, if you were like me, have felt you wanted to die!
Give up! At least die and go to heaven – you know ………….that place where God hangs out and everything is hunky dory!
What a fantasy that is!
Get real and listen to the truth, why don’t you.
YOU have the rest of your LIFE to LIVE so who does it serve feeling this down, depressed and shit?? 
Well funny, because the answer is …..
IT SERVES YOU!!!  Mmmmmm!
We are so full of our own EGO that we grieve and cry and moan and act like big babies because our loved one has died!
Our loved one has physically passed yet they energetically are still in the universe. Ask yourself the question - if YOU died, would you WANT your loved one TO GRIEVE and cry over you? What purpose does that serve? Well none actually!
Just because you don’t understand how the universe works, you are going to make your life and everyone else’s SAD? If you KNEW that when you die you DON’T DIE actually, what a stupid thing it is for people to get all sad over you.
If you could for one minute get PRESENT you might just find that you can still COMMUNICATE with your loved one. How amazing would that be for you?
Mmmmm…you think it’s not possible? Well actually

‘We don’t die actually’

If you want to know more then read ‘Breaking Through Loss’ available on Amazon http://amzn.to/1p8i2Pe 

#Grief #Loss #HughGrant #Death #Love

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