Mmm, It’s getting close to Christmas and for many that will
be a time they remember their lost ones and feel somewhat saddened that they
are not there with them over what should be a loving and blissful time of the
year….well that is if you celebrate Christmas as a Christian. I guess other
religious denominations may also be caught up with everyone around them being
joyous and so they feel sad too at this time of year.
I want to be sensitive to those who are experiencing grief,
yet at the same time I need to be firm with you as you do not have to feel the
grief! That’s right…you do not have to feel the grief of the loss of your loved
one. That does not mean that you disregard them, or that you ignore the loss
you have suffered, it simply means that there IS a process, which CAN relieve
the grief and allow you to feel a sense of well-being, gratitude and allow you
to feel close to your loved one.
The process is a method I have experienced and have seen
countless other people experience with amazing results. I was so amazed that I
wrote a book called ‘Breaking Through Loss’ because I had an incredible
realisation that I had allowed loss and grief and was still allowing loss and
grief to affect my life…and to affect it for forty years !! I can’t bear
thinking that I did that, as life is short and meant to be lived to the full
enjoyment of the gift that God has given us.
Oh how can I get the message across to you so that you do
not have to suffer your emotional pain?
For some people they
do not experience grief to the same extent – have you ever wondered why not? I
always thought that they must not have loved the person, because when you do
not love someone you don’t cry and grieve over them do you?
I witnessed a father lose his son and he was calm and
centred and I simply could not understand why he was not experiencing extreme
grief – not that I wished that upon him, because I know only too well, what it
is like to suffer a BIG loss and then for it to repeat two weeks later!! It is
pretty much close to hell but not as close to hell as some get.
Here are a few insights that I have learnt:
Grief is a one-sided emotion in your perception….yes
it feels very real and hurts
It is an addiction to the traits you loved about
a person, and is similar to a drug addict having their drug taken away.
thrives off fantasies and delusions
Grief can be balanced once we dissolve the fantasies and
delusions, and weigh in the ignored perceptions you had about the person.
Once dissolved grief opens the heart centre to LOVE and at
that point you can experience relief and joy.
Please read my book to understand more, I wrote it as a
guide for people because believing someone say that grief can be dissolved is
unusual and easily dismissed however when you can weigh up the facts and the
scientific evidence then maybe ….just maybe this Christmas you can have your
heart and joy back beating with LOVE.
At your service and thank you for reading my blog
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