Tuesday 28 April 2015

Loss & Grief- So did you get something out of it ?

Last weekend whilst others sent time with family and friends relaxing I spent my weekend at the London Breakthrough Experience with Dr J F Demartini, working long days 7.30 am until 2.00am and then 9.00am until 9.00pm. 

At the end of it someone asked me the question 'So did you get something out of it ?'

I couldn't comprehend the question at first, it seemed a crazy question! Of course I got something out of it and I continue daily to get something out of it......................

Yes loss can be the most difficult experience that one has to face, I have not forgotten how I felt on being told that my twin sisters had passed at the tender age of nine, I recall the numerous losses I have since repeated in an attempt to awaken my soul to the reality that 'One does get something out of it '

How can this be so ? I can understand the anger and outrage from those who do not know the truth about loss and grief, however the truth is this :

Nothing is ever missing. Grief is created by loving only one side of a person and not loving ALL of them. How can you love a person if you are only prepared to think of all the 'good' things and not balance that out by also accepting all the 'bad' things too.

Our human minds are clever at ignoring the truth, preferring to rest in falsehood that has been created for the masses.

Fortunately I found that the Breakthrough Experience allowed me to wake up to the truth of loss  and since then the answer is that I gained as much from the loss of my twin sisters as I lost.

There is a beauty to it …….I have learnt to how to navigate my emotions so that I don't stay in the down for long.
 I can now use what I have learnt to ensure that no-one fills my mind with negative thoughts. I was able to put the teachings into practice and when the time came  I was able to see the loss of my gorgeous dog through a different perspective and not suffer from grief.

I wrote a book about the Breakthrough Experience - I wanted to share with those suffering that when they look for hope , they can find Lynn Hope Thomas, and I will show them that Hope will be a thing of the past.

Hope is not a requirement anymore. I don't NEED hope any more. I have CERTAINTY, I KNOW that key to overcoming loss and grief and I share my experience in the book.

The book is written to assist in what may seem impossible, if you can see what holding onto grief did to me, you will have NO DOUBT of what I am saying. I am so grateful to my sisters.

So YES is the answer to the gentleman  - I DID get something out of it, I got my life and I LOVE my life!

If you want , need, are desperate to find a way through loss and grief then read the following : -

#Grief #Loss #Breakingthroughloss #

Thursday 23 April 2015

You are Not Alone

Tonight after a long business day, away from home.

I went to a local eatery and used FaceTime to talk with my family. I was met with anger all around me. Yet these angry people were all talking face to face albeit with a person sitting in front of them. 

One angry man said’ I feel sorry you are alone…with no-one to talk to!’ Really?

Actually I was fine talking to those on the end of my iPhone until HE stopped me! He was so smug.

Would he say the same to someone who was grieving?

To all those feeling alone – God Bless You Michael Jackson x
You are not alone

Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold

Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

But you are not alone
I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
But you are not alone

'Lone, 'lone
Why, 'lone

Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin

Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
#Grief #Loss #Alone #Love #

Friday 17 April 2015

Man's Best Friend - Pet Loss

This week a friend experienced the passing of their beautiful dog Misha. She finally took the trip to ‘Rainbow Bridge’ after fourteen years mutually devoted Dog to Owner.
I must say that he was ‘strong’ about the whole incident. The experience being made harder by the fact that the Vet struggled with the injection and somehow Misha wanted to let her owner know that she wasn’t quite ready to leave him.
I have to admit, I think I took more of the initial sadness on for a Dog I barely knew. Seeing the impact on the owner and knowing what I now know… yet being unable to help without his acceptance was rather difficult.
Some heartfelt tears were shed.
It is only possible to help someone when they seek help, it is only possible to offer a service when people are wanting it. All else is futile.
I struggle with that…..I struggle because I KNOW that ‘Nothing is ever missing’ and once a person is brought into the awareness of that fact, then something like the loss of a Pet, needn’t be so distressing and lonely….in fact one experiences the joy knowing that the Pet is close by.
My friend knows of my work and knows of my own Pet loss experience, however he is in a place of solace, one that I would call 'a hell'  -  too ‘beyond his belief’ to take a little a step out and allow me to balance the perception of loss, something I KNOW I can do. Unless he asks I am unable to assist.
Tonight I revisited some of the traits I loved about my dog, aspects that I had not fully processed. When I did,  I saw the new form of the trait I loved and I laughed, I felt the beauty of my dog’ s love for me.
If you have suffered a loss of a Pet and are struggling I can help. If you want to know more about getting through the loss then please ask me. And do feel free to share your comments on my blog, I will respond as helpfully as I know how.
Appreciative of the training received under Dr J F Demartini and committed to guiding and helping others through change and loss.
Thank You Misha, Thank You John, Thank You Chiko

Friday 10 April 2015

I AM all that I think

I AM Lynn
I AM beautiful
I AM thoughtful of OTHERS
I AM worthy of respect and I respect others
I AM healthy and I promote health
I AM physically fit and promote fitness
I AM able to attract similar minded people and we SHARE and laugh together
I AM a great friend and I HAVE great friends

Mmmm...tell me about yourself ?

Friday 3 April 2015

Easter flow

This Easter let time embrace your grief and let the tears flow! If you don't you set yourself up for later griefs - believe me on this one! 
After four decades I am so over IT! My challenge is how do I express what I KNOW so that YOU can be safer , & enjoy life more!


My Good Good Friday Miracle

I can imagine knowing and loving someone so much that if they died you would be so relieved and happy to see them again 3 days later, it would be the most amazing miracle.
Christians celebrate Easter. It is one of the most important messages offered to humanity. Whether you believe it or not the Easter ‘story’ is that Jesus was crucified to death and three days later he appeared again to his believers and to his Mother, showing them that there is no true death.
I have written a book which speaks of my own journey believing that I had lost my beloved twin sisters.
Despite being a Christian and knowing that one day I would be reunited with them (in my own death) , I never imagined that I would be guided through a very different path of believing. Nor did I understand how my grief was so deeply buried.
Breaking through loss is a book that takes you through a journey of how loss in your life, can, take you through a very messy ripple, and a chaotic repetition of painful events.
When I hit rock bottom I was fortunate that a friend led me to the most amazing weekend experience of my life, one that woke me up to a scientific magic and which later led me to experience my own miracle and to want to guide others in a similar position to the same experience that moved me.
The TRUTH is that your loved ones never die! They are always around us, and at times will represent themselves in others. Jesus showed us that light and you do not have to be Christian to experience it.
IT IS how the universe works and IT IS scientific.
Show your smile this Easter - if you are grieving the loss of a loved one, Easter is here to remind you that they are not missing, and they are certainly not ‘dead’.
If you recognise that you are repeating losses, then read my book as I give you the benefit from four decades of experience.
You can flick through my book on Amazon http://goo.gl/j8v8gM
I invite you can send me a message if you would like to know more.
Wishing you a peaceful, reflective and Happy Easter with love 
#grief #loss #lossandgrief #expectamiracle