Yes, tell me about it! It always seemed odd for a Doctor or Counsellor to give advice when they hadn't been there themselves . I'm sure I am not the only one with that view.
First off when my sisters died at the age of nine - no-one really spoke to me, they just assumed that as a child, you 'play' and then time and nature will do its bit. I thought that too! How wrong could I be.
In a way I am grateful that they left me alone - I guess I learnt to be alone and with it I have learnt some of the most beautiful things about life and human nature and the drivers, and the balance between money and true heart.
I think people are different, everyone's has different feelings - you CANNOT make any assumptions about anyone and pleeeeeese don't - lol!
As you can tell I don't like it when people assume they know how I feel, and I like it even less when they try tell me to 'buck up'! And I like even more less when they NOW begin telling me that if I think negative then I bring it all on myself!! Choose your attitude - well I can tell from that response that you have no idea of the impact the feelings of grief have, but I do appreciate that your are trying to help.
The world does now seem to be full of people who know everything about everything. Myself I wouldn't claim anything that bold. I just know about grief and loss and how to escape it and help others to do that too!
I say thank heaven for my blog! Yes its is MY blog and I feel free to say what I want without having to justify myself, that feels good.
I just want to be me, beautiful me, who get's it wrong, screws up, and that is OKAY. My book Breaking Through Loss writes about all the mistakes I have made and the numerous losses I have experienced, it lays me open for ridicule and criticism which I am prepared to weather if it means I can help a fellow soul who is lost. That might be YOU! If not now, at some point in your life.
You see, of all the teachings, the one instilled in me by family and church was to treat others as you wish to be treated, and I learnt at the age of nine that being lost, left alone, hurt, that whilst I could handle my emotions in the best ways I knew, I couldn't live with the feelings. It was not right that anyone should be left after such traumas to be on their own, that is not what God wants.
Yet sadly little is done by our fellow humans to help, in fact more often than not we are ignored because others don't like to feel they are not happy, doing what they love, they don't have time to listen to 'sad' people. Of course it is different if you have a support group, or your work pays for counselling, but how many actually use it, or will admit they feel really bad ?
My eyes were opened to how grief could be pretty quickly healed back in 2010. So if you are one who is ready to heal the wounds then please contact me or link to my Fb page and hit the like button, leave a comment :)