Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Elizabeth Kubler Ross - No grief guru at all!

What five stage grief process!

Heres is my 5 point insight into Elizabeth Kubler Ross's work :

  1. EKR studied the dying and not those bereaved
  2. Her points of view lacked the new methods open to us
  3. EKR was a pioneer for understanding loss of your own life
  4. Personal Grief arises through loss of your own infatuations
  5. EKR was a pioneer for linking loss of self and grief of others together
For all the above and Elizabeth Kubler Ross  I am grateful and blessed. Here is an excerpt from my book 'Breaking Through Loss'Page 64  : 

'My Mother bless her, gave me a book on the stages of grief and this at least helped me to feel that I was a normal person and that these strong emotions and feelings were okay. At last, someone recognized and could explain with some accuracy what I was experiencing. The book was written by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.'

God Bless you!


#Grief #Loss #ElizabethKublerRoss #Lynnhopethomas #Breakingthroughloss #Celebrityloss 

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Coping Skills ?

My experience of loss and the journey I am on will be different to many others. We all experience loss and grief  - it is a fact of life.
 I was a child who experienced traumatic loss and that loss was unknowingly kept buried in my physical body. I didn’t suffer grief for prolonged periods, I got on with life and to the outside world I was fine.I never realised for forty years that I had not successfully processed the grief.
When people talk about Loss and grief and what that journey is, I will listen to those who have suffered similar to me, and not to those who say..for example have lost a parent in a normal natural life event.
They are two very different scenarios, granted I have yet to lose a parent, though I have lost grandparents and suffered no grief at all. That’s not to say I didn’t love my grandparents, I did, very much so. Again I am not saying that losing a grandparent involves no grief and loss, as for some that might be traumatic to them. It depends on the strength of connectedness to the grandparent.
I believe that anyone who has experienced loss and grief and deep emotions around it, would never minimise another’s grief. For those who suffer a traumatic loss, the range of emotions is quite profound.
This brings me on to the point I want to make.
Will the ones who haven’t suffered grief let alone loss, keep their opinions to themselves.! I mean what makes them so opinionated! Their opportunity to learn is just around the corner.
I don’t want telling that loss and grief is about lack of ‘coping skills’…..I have heard this a few times!
That is like telling someone who has just had their leg blown off and the subsequent emotions that follow, are due to a lack of coping skills. Not a welcome comment!
Some of my best coping skills was to dance and undertake physical exercise and challenges. It was as if by spinning the body, healing could take place. I focussed on my gymnastics and grew my physical strength. These days I dance.
Loss can drive incredible energy to succeed and survive- It comes as no surprise to me that there is now an Olympic team of refugees –. These athletes exemplify the heights of the pain and suffering they have endured and how it is possible to overcome the challenges.
Coping skills?  Yes we have them!
And it took grief and loss to find them!
Go Refugee Olympians 2016
Shine bright like the diamonds you are!

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Grief to Relief: Traumatic Loss - is it inherited ?

Grief to Relief: Traumatic Loss - is it inherited ?: I love the journey of discovery that has stemmed from the loss of my twin sisters. Each year pieces of the puzzle are opened up and I lear...

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Traumatic Loss - is it inherited ?

I love the journey of discovery that has stemmed from the loss of my twin sisters. Each year pieces of the puzzle are opened up and I learn more. Having written my personal story called Breaking Through Loss, I found a wonderful method that can heal loss and prevent the repeats that can happen if loss is buried and not brought into the light.

Now after reading this article below, I am in no doubt that we can inherit buried emotion from our grandparents and great grandparents, as well as pass on further trauma to future generations.

Unresolved trauma passes through the genes.So your offspring can expect to be presented with similar trauma in an attempt to learn how to break the pattern and shine light on the situation.

Breaking Though Loss shows you how to prevent repeated losses in the most effective and efficient way.

If you have had family who have died, for example in wars, through cancers and illnesses, chances are there are repeating events happening in your life too.

You can peruse my story on Amazon at

I also recommend reading this article in which it explains how Rachel Yehuda, professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York has discovered that people with Post Traumatic Stress,have lower cortisol levels in their blood and this is passed onto offspring, thereby proving that trauma is inherited if untreated.

If you have any questions I am a trained Demartini Method consultant and an expert in loss and grief and any form of change. I would love to answer your questions.

#Grief #Loss #Epigenetics #unresolved grief #stoprepeatingloss #breakingsthrough loss #lynnhopethomas