Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Never underestimate a poppy! Grateful and Blessed

Okay – I could blog for the sake of blogging but that isn’t me. I blog when I have something important to share.
Last week was my twin sisters birthday 18th October  - I didn’t blog, that was personal stuff.
I wrote ‘Breaking Through Loss’ to help others with grief. I shared a lot of personal stuff in that book,the aim was to help others…and so it is with my blog. A desire and aim to help and support other grievers NOT a forum to advertise my life and everything that is happening in it.
Now we have that out of the way, I would like to say a big thanks for coming into my site and spending time reading my blogs.
Please do feedback to me on your own thoughts.
Tonites blog is about an experience this week that stopped me in my tracks!
At work I travel for an hour and half mainly by train, then I enter the ‘work’ building. You know the one, the one where you treat everyone as a ‘work being’ – we have relationships to do work but in terms of genuine wholesome fulfilling relationships I think most are quite shallow.
As I walk in to the lift that takes me up to the second floor ( yes I could do the stairs)
Instead I get into the lift,packed with people. I see a co-worker with a poppy pinned to his chest, and I make the comment about how sweet his poppy looks. My intentions are genuine and heartfelt. I love the poppy as a flower and I love the meaning of the poppy and I love what it represents. Of course he does not know this about me.
Then….he responds…….wait a moment - I cannot give you a good description of his reply.
It was matter of fact but packed with a punch as powerful as a bomb!
His response was this :
‘ Oh yeh, the poppy. Well I was in church, and I saw a friend, I said to him ‘ Ah…are you back home for your daughter’s birthday ?  - and he said to me ‘No!’ – I came back with a body in a coffin’………….
 or words to that effect.
My God, those words ricochet even now. He totally dropped a bomb, he stopped me in my tracks, he made me value every poppy ever made, I instantly knew of the sacrifice that brave men had made for MY benefit!
I love the man who died, who gave his life for me, I love his family and his friends.
I won’t ever let the sight of a poppy stop me from thinking or feeling my true essence

Grateful and blessed

Friday, 9 October 2015

Rough Week for October

We all know this one!

So be kind to each other
Be kind to yourself

Embrace yourself by putting your arms around yourself in a hug!

Then say ' I love you my darling, you have worked hard and deserve a treat!'

A treat is coming

You are loved

Then tell me in full what traits and actions you want to receive in your life

The more specific you can be then the more likely you are to attract it!

Love Lynn

Thursday, 1 October 2015

October - Shake it off!

How are you peeps ? Firstly my friend Max lost his sister this week and I leave it to Max to navigate the grief. Whilst there is I am absolutely 100% certain I can relieve his emotions around the grief using my skills with the Demartini Method, it is not in his interests to push my values onto him nor would it work. Only when a person is ready to shake it off, will they consider seeking help.

I guess then depending on who you speak to and their experience, your best chance is to run an internet search for support, or visit your Doctor, who probably could prescribe anti-depressants to suggest you speak to a psychologist to help talk about your grief.Think carefully about this route ...mmm.

I say 'Shake it Off'!

And you can, I can assist you with an amazing method of questioning that when applied in a persistent manner, and managed correctly by a skilled and trained facilitator. You will be able to 'Shake it Off!'  - You will be able to alleviate the painful emotions of grief and replace them with heartfelt love for your lost one. Whether that is a parent, a sibling a child or partner, or a dear friend or family member.

You regain the pzazz for life that your loved one wants for you.

After all, do you really think they want to see you living in a sad, depressed and minimized way ? Especially when they have moved their spirit into full blown high energy and are having a ball themselves.

I can take you through why grief occurs, and what it means and how to redress those symptoms and replace them with love and warmth that means you can once again live life and feel like you ARE living , instead of feeling down and depressed. Come on! Shake it off!

Contact me if you would like to know more or read my book to understand more of what I am talking about and more about the changes that you can experience. http://amzn.to/1p8i2Pe

#Grief #Life #Love #Shakeitoff #Breakingthroughloss